How to keep your puppy healthy and happy

Hooray! You are getting a puppy, and let’s be fair: puppies are the cutest animals in the world. So obviously, you want your little furry friend to grow up as happy and healthy as possible. But what can you do to help? It can be difficult to figure out what to do and what to purchase, but luckily you don’t have to do everything alone. Pet stores like Vetsend are there to help you with any questions you might have. And, to get you started, this article lists three of the easiest ways to get your puppy active and happy.

Choose nutritious foods

The food a dog eats is extremely important to the dog’s health, especially when it comes to puppies. That means it is really important to choose your dog food carefully and with attention. Read the ingredients and take a look at the benefits that the food offers. Puppies need to receive their daily dose of vitamins to grow steadily. Aside from that there are ingredients that could benefit the brain, the joints and the blood sugar levels. If you’re not confident in your choices, you can always ask advice from pet store employees.

Go for a walk

This is pretty common knowledge, but exercise is extremely important to a dog’s health. It offers the chance to interact with other dogs, and the opportunity for training outdoors. By walking your dog, you are also establishing the important relationship between you are your new puppy. This means the dog will feel a deeper connection with you, which makes additional training easier and more effective. A minimum of three walks a day is recommended, and no worries because a walk isn’t just good for puppies. It is good for humans too!

Toys for puppies

Puppies are a lot like children, and just like children, they need their own stack of toys. Puppy toys are extremely important, not only for playtime, but also for the mental health of your young dog. Chewing toys, for example, can help them to release stress, negative emotions and anxiety. Besides that, toys can offer the dog a sense of security in an otherwise new and unknown environment. By letting your dog play inside the house, you’ll make sure that the puppy gets to know his home and feels safe and secure. Also, please don’t forget to purchase some toys for you two to play with together. Balls and fetch toys, for example. Because by playing together, you’ll establish a deeper connection with your new puppy.